Dogs In Bed. Should Dogs Sleep in Your Bed?

One of the most debated topics among dog owners is whether or not to let their furry friends sleep in bed with them. While some enjoy the comfort and warmth of sharing a bed with their pet, others may have concerns about hygiene or sleep disturbance.

Before making a decision, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of dogs in bed, and understand how to create a comfortable sleep environment for both you and your dog. From training techniques to choosing the right dog bed, there are several factors to consider when deciding if dogs should sleep in bed or not.

Key Takeaways:

  • Deciding whether or not to let your dog sleep in your bed is a personal choice.
  • Pros of letting your dog sleep in bed include bonding, security, and warmth.
  • Cons of letting your dog sleep in bed include hygiene concerns and potential behavior problems.
  • Training your dog to sleep in bed and setting boundaries can help alleviate any issues.
  • Choosing the right dog bed and promoting relaxation can create a comfortable sleep environment for both you and your pet.
a dog fast asleep in bed

The Benefits of Dogs in Bed

Allowing your furry friend to cozy up with you at night can have numerous benefits of dogs sleeping in bed for both of you.

Benefit Description
Emotional bond Your dog naturally craves affection and companionship. Sharing a bed can help strengthen your bond and foster feelings of closeness.
Sense of security Dogs are natural protectors and having their owner close by can reduce anxiety and make them feel safer at night.
Warmth and comfort Dogs love to snuggle and cuddle, and sleeping together can create a cozy and warm atmosphere that promotes relaxation and restful sleep for both of you.

Additionally, sleeping with your dog can promote a healthy sleep routine alongside healthy dog sleeping habits. Dogs tend to follow their owner's sleep patterns, which can help regulate their own canine sleep patterns.

However, it's important to note that bed sharing isn't for everyone. In the next section, we'll explore some of the potential downsides to allowing your dog to sleep in bed with you.

The Downsides of Dogs Sleeping in Bed

While there are certainly benefits to sharing your bed with your furry friend, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

Pros Cons
  • Increases emotional bond between owner and dog
  • Provides sense of security for both owner and dog
  • Offers warmth and comfort for both owner and dog
  • May disrupt your own sleep patterns
  • Can create hygiene concerns or allergies
  • May lead to behavioral issues such as dominance or separation anxiety

It's important to weigh the pros and cons of allowing your dog to sleep in your bed and consider your unique situation. For some owners and their dogs, bed sharing can enhance their bond and lead to a good night's sleep. For others, it may cause more harm than good.

Training Your Dog to Sleep in Bed

If you've decided to let your furry friend share your bed, it's essential to establish some ground rules from the outset. Remember, training your dog to sleep in bed requires patience and consistency. Here are some tips to get you started:

Set Boundaries

It's important to define your dog's space in bed. Start by placing a comfy dog bed or blanket at the foot of your bed. Whenever your dog tries to climb on the bed without permission, guide them back to their space in a firm but gentle manner.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Reward your dog with treats or verbal praise when they stay in their space. Over time, your dog will learn to associate good behavior with positive outcomes.

Establish a Consistent Routine

Set a bedtime routine that works for both you and your dog. This could include a pre-bedtime walk, followed by cuddles and quiet time in bed. Stick to the same routine every night to reinforce good sleep habits.

Be Patient

Training your dog to sleep in bed won't happen overnight. It may take several weeks or even months for your furry friend to adjust to their new sleep space. Be patient and consistent, and you'll get there together.

Creating a Comfortable Sleeping Environment for Dogs

Your furry friend deserves a comfortable sleep space, just like you do. Choosing the right bed is essential to ensure restful sleep, so consider investing in a quality dog bed that provides adequate support.

When selecting a bed, think about your dog's size, age, and individual needs. Orthopedic beds are ideal for dogs with joint issues, while heated beds keep pups warm during the colder months.

You should also consider the temperature and lighting in the room. Dogs sleep best in a cool, dark environment, so avoid placing the bed in direct sunlight or near a heat source.

Additionally, keep your dog's sleep area clean, free of dirt and debris. Choose a bed that's easy to clean, with a removable cover that's machine-washable. With this, you'll be creating a comfortable sleeping environment for dogs.

Dog Bed Features Benefits
Orthopedic foam Provides relief for joint pain and arthritis
Heated bed Keeps pups warm and cozy during colder months
Memory foam Conforms to shape of your dog's body for optimal comfort

In conclusion, creating a comfortable sleep environment for your dog involves choosing the right bed, considering the temperature and lighting, and keeping it clean. Investing in a quality dog bed will keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

Understanding Canine Sleep Patterns

As a dog owner, it's essential to understand your pet's sleep patterns and habits, enabling you to provide a comfortable and restful sleep environment. Dogs have unique sleep patterns compared to humans, with sleep duration varying depending on their age, breed, and activity level. Puppies, for example, sleep significantly more than adult dogs, with some breeds like the Great Dane sleeping up to 16 hours a day.

Dogs experience REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which is the deep sleep phase linked to brain development and memory storage. During this phase, dogs may twitch, jerk, or whimper, indicating that they are dreaming. While it's okay to wake a dog during non-REM sleep, it's not advisable to interrupt them during REM sleep, which is essential for their overall wellbeing.

It's essential to recognize signs of sleep quality in your dog, such as peaceful breathing, relaxed body language, and lack of movement. If your dog appears restless or agitated, it may indicate a poor sleep environment or underlying medical conditions, requiring a visit to the vet. Creating a peaceful and supportive sleep environment can promote better sleep habits and overall quality of life for your furry companion.

The Benefits of Quality Sleep for Your Dog

Quality sleep is essential for your dog's physical and mental health, with benefits such as:

  • Better immune system function
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Muscle and tissue repair
  • Mental and emotional restoration
  • Reduced risk of obesity and associated health problems

Ensuring that your dog gets enough quality sleep is crucial in promoting overall health and wellbeing. Understanding their sleep patterns and creating a comfortable sleep space can lead to improved sleep habits, behavior, and happiness for both you and your furry friend.

Promoting Canine Relaxation in Bed

Sharing your bed with your furry companion can be a cozy and comforting experience for both of you. However, it's important to ensure that your dog feels relaxed and comfortable enough to get a good night's sleep. Here are some strategies for promoting canine relaxation in bed:

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is key to promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety in dogs. Ensure your furry friend gets enough physical activity every day. This helps expend excess energy, leading to a calmer and more relaxed dog come bedtime.

Training Techniques

Training your dog to relax and settle in bed can also help promote better sleep. Consider obedience training and relaxation exercises, such as teaching your dog to lie down and stay calm on a designated bed or mat. This can help establish boundaries and prevent disruptive behavior.

Calming Aids or Aromatherapy

For dogs who still struggle with relaxation in bed, consider using calming aids such as pheromone diffusers or aromatherapy products with soothing scents such as lavender. These can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, leading to a better night's sleep for both you and your furry friend.

Tip: It's important to consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new supplements or medications, including calming aids or aromatherapy products.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your furry friend feel more relaxed and comfortable while sharing your bed. This can lead to a deeper sense of bonding and even more restful sleep for both of you.

Finding the Right Mattress for You and Your Dog

If you're planning to share your bed with your furry friend, it's crucial to find a suitable mattress that accommodates both your needs. At Sleepology Mattress Shop, we offer an extensive selection of top mattress brands designed to provide maximum comfort and support for you and your dog.

Sleepologists at Sleepology are knowledgeable in helping you find the perfect bed to share with your pup. We understand that finding the right fit can be a daunting task, but our pressure-free buying experience aims to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible.

Brand Features Price
Sealy Posturepedic support $500-$2,300
Stearns & Foster Hand crafted comfort for the most discerning canine $2,400-$4,999
Tempur-Pedic Adaptable foam and body-conforming support $2,499-$5,999

Here's our take on choosing the best dog beds for sleeping together. When selecting a mattress, consider the size and weight of your dog, as well as their sleeping habits. Opt for a firm mattress that provides ample support and distributes weight evenly to prevent sagging or disruptions in sleep.

In addition to browsing our selection of premium Stearns & Foster mattresses, we also recommend investing in a high-quality dog bed or Tempur-Pedic mattress to place on your bed for added comfort and support for your furry friend.

At Sleepology, we are dedicated to helping you and your pet achieve the best quality of sleep possible. Our top-notch selection of mattresses and customer service make us the go-to destination for finding the perfect bed for you and your dog.

A schnauzer puppy waking up in a mattress

Establishing Boundaries and Maintaining Sleep Harmony

Sharing your bed with your furry friend can be a wonderful experience, but it's important to establish boundaries for a peaceful sleep environment for both you and your dog. Here are some tips:

Create clear rules

Make sure your dog knows where they are allowed to sleep and where they are not. It's best to establish these rules from the start. If your dog is small, you might consider providing a ramp or steps so they can get in and out of bed easily without disturbing you.

Address behavior problems

If your dog doesn't settle down or is disruptive during the night, it's important to address the behavior. Walking your dog before bedtime, providing calming music, or using a crate at night can help promote relaxation.

Seek professional help if needed

If your dog's behavior issues persist, don't be afraid to seek professional help. A trainer or veterinarian can provide guidance on how to modify your dog's behavior and create a more peaceful sleep environment for everyone.

Invest in a comfortable dog bed

Providing your dog with a comfortable bed of their own in your room can help establish boundaries and promote relaxation. Look for a bed with good support and adequate size for your dog.

Establishing boundaries and maintaining a peaceful sleep environment can help you and your furry friend get the rest you need. With a little patience and effort, you can enjoy a wonderful co-sleeping experience with your dog.

Alternatives to Dogs Sleeping in Bed

While many people enjoy the benefits of sharing their bed with their furry friend, it's understandable if you feel uncomfortable with this arrangement. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to consider that can help both you and your dog get a good night's sleep.

Provide a Separate Dog Bed in Your Bedroom

A great compromise is to provide your dog with their own bed within your bedroom. This way, your pet can still be nearby for comfort and security, but you won't have to worry about getting pushed out of bed or dealing with hygiene issues. Dog beds come in a variety of sizes and styles, so you can find one that fits your dog's needs and personality.

Set up a Designated Sleeping Area Outside the Bedroom

If you prefer to keep your bedroom pet-free, you can still create a comfortable sleeping area for your dog. Consider dedicating a specific room or area of your home for your pet to sleep at night. Make sure this space is cozy and inviting with a comfortable dog bed and any other items that may help your dog relax.

Try Crate Training

Some dogs feel safe and secure in their own crates at night. Crate training can be especially helpful for puppies or newly adopted dogs who may have separation anxiety or behavioral issues. Make sure the crate is appropriately sized for your dog and offer cozy bedding and toys to make it a comfortable and inviting space.


After exploring the benefits and drawbacks of sharing your bed with your dog, it's clear that this is a personal decision that depends on your own preferences and your furry friend's needs. While there are perks to dog bed sharing, such as emotional bonding and comfort, there are also downsides to consider, such as hygiene concerns and disrupted sleep.

If you do choose to let your dog sleep in your bed, consider investing in a high-quality dog bed and establishing clear boundaries and training techniques to maintain sleep harmony. Alternatively, you may opt for a separate dog bed or sleeping area.

When it comes to creating a comfortable sleeping environment for your furry companion, be sure to choose a bed that provides adequate support and consider factors such as temperature and lighting. Regular exercise and the use of calming aids or aromatherapy may also help promote relaxation in bed.

If you're in the market for a new mattress to accommodate both you and your dog, consider shopping at Sleepology Mattress Shop for a pressure-free buying experience and access to top mattress brands.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to let your dog sleep in your bed is up to you. Consider the pros and cons, and prioritize both your own sleep and your dog's well-being. With the right approach, bed sharing with your furry friend can be a rewarding experience for everyone involved.


Q: Should dogs sleep in your bed?

A: Whether or not dogs should sleep in your bed is a personal choice. There are benefits and drawbacks to consider. It's important to create a comfortable sleeping environment and establish boundaries if you choose to let your dog sleep in your bed.

Q: What are the benefits of dogs sleeping in bed?

A: Allowing your dog to sleep in your bed can create a strong emotional bond and provide a sense of security for both you and your pet. It can also offer warmth and comfort, which may promote better sleep for both of you.

Q: What are the downsides of dogs sleeping in bed?

A: There are some drawbacks to letting your dog sleep in your bed. These may include disturbed sleep, hygiene concerns, and potential behavior problems that can arise from bed sharing.

Q: How can you train your dog to sleep in bed?

A: Training your dog to sleep in your bed requires establishing boundaries, reinforcing positive behavior, and creating a consistent bedtime routine. It's important to be patient and consistent during the training process.

Q: How can you create a comfortable sleeping environment for dogs?

A: To create a comfortable sleeping environment for your dog, choose a suitable dog bed that provides adequate support. Ensure a comfortable temperature and lighting conditions, and consider using blankets or pillows for extra coziness.

Q: What are the canine sleep patterns?

A: Dogs have unique sleep patterns that include REM sleep and different sleep durations depending on their age and size. Understanding these patterns can help you recognize signs of sleep quality and relaxation in your dog.

Q: How can you promote canine relaxation in bed?

A: To promote canine relaxation in bed, ensure your dog gets regular exercise, consider using calming aids or aromatherapy, and employ training techniques that encourage relaxation. These practices can help your dog feel more comfortable and relaxed during sleep.

Q: How can you find the right mattress for you and your dog?

A: When selecting a mattress, consider your needs and preferences, as well as those of your dog. Explore top mattress brands and visit Sleepology, a reputable mattress shop that offers a pressure-free buying experience.

Q: How can you set boundaries and maintain sleep harmony?

A: To set boundaries and maintain sleep harmony when sharing your bed with your dog, establish rules and reinforce positive behavior. Address potential behavior issues promptly and seek professional help if needed to ensure a peaceful sleep environment for both you and your dog.

Q: What are the alternatives to dogs sleeping in bed?

A: If you prefer not to let your dog sleep in your bed, alternative arrangements include providing a separate dog bed in your bedroom or setting up a designated sleeping area outside the bedroom to meet both you and your dog's needs.

Q: Should dogs sleep in your bed? (Conclusion)

A: The decision on whether or not to let your dog sleep in your bed is a personal one. Consider the benefits and drawbacks, create a comfortable sleep space, and establish boundaries if you choose to share your bed with your dog. Ultimately, prioritize what works best for you and your furry companion.

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